Sunday, March 23, 2008

Faster Pussycat! Knit! Knit! #2

O the deep enriching satisfaction of finishing projects! O the joy of that final snip of yarn after the final stitch of the final seam! The projects really piled up the past two years while I've been busy doing other creative things again.

Some people overeat when stressed and depressed; I'd like to think I don't do that, but please don't talk to me about Easter candy this week, while I've been suffering a sudden bizarre, disgusting and painful ailment that's required one ER visit and four follow-ups in ten days. Just don't. The Easter candy and the ailment will both soon be gone. Then we shall speak no more of it.

Some people shop; but I shop all the time, and in fact I tend to shop more when I'm happy if only because I make better choices then (as opposed to UGH I'd never look good in that My god what were they thinking Orange? I can't wear orange What's with this stupid bow?) and enjoy browsing instead of finding it an ordeal. Twenty five years ago, I didn't enjoy shopping so watching some of the women on What Not to Wear fills me with negative nostalgia; I still vividly remember walking into Macys sportswear with the cash from my first paycheck, looking around and thinking, Wow, I think I'd look good in that dress! I'll try it on! And I was right. Anyway.

Some people specifically buy yarn to cheer themselves. Four years ago, when life took terrible turns, I bought a LOT of yarn, from Smiley's Yarn Riot and elsewhere. I really went nuts. But I also knitted a hell of a lot. I made tons of baby and kids clothes and blankies for friends. I made scarves for myself. I made some terrible ill-conceived projects out of yarns I loved for their look and feel, that ended up as labor-intensive pillow covers on the sofa.

Yarn stash is a state of mind, I think, of preparedness, of anticipation, rather like a full pantry or overstuffed jewelry box. With these anchovies, pine nuts and exotic herbs I can enhance any meal! With these earrings I can rise to any occasion! With this yarn I can entertain myself during long bus trips, agonizing ER waits, dull TV shows AND end up with a great sweater! And o yeah, it's packrat disease writ large.

Two years ago I woke up from depression and shock and discovered the novel I'd abandoned suddenly made sense again. Knitting took a backseat to writing, except for travel and sf con panel situations. Now that the book's nearly done the knitting's crept its way back into my consciousness. Mostly I've been excavating the UnFinished Objects and actually finishing them. I seem to have knitters' block with necklines and sleeves. Four projects lacking only sleeves! Two projects stopped short of the front neckline! WTF??? Then I realized what happened: backs and fronts are take-along projects, but sleeves are TV projects. I stopped watching TV, or knitting while watching TV, so the sleeves never got done. I'd start projects and then leave them stuffed into a shopping bag, undone, unloved.

Well now the silly black Wendy Picasso top, the Luxor DX pretzel stitch top and the Miami Ribbon cable-neck top are freakin' DONE. My husband's burgundy fisherman rib sweater that I swore I screwed up actually fit him and it's DONE (in fact he's worn it all winter and the pills are appaling. Encore DK is not as durable as I hoped.) The I-need-an-easy-project-for-phone-calls Shiny Fluffy Black top is DONE. The baby-puke camo green top sleeves are started. The Noro Silk Garden panelled jacket is still waiting but next on the list....

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