Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nature's perfect breakfast

My poor spouse had a tooth pulled this week -- the oral surgeon jocularly called it "the tooth from hell" -- and so soft items of diet have ruled our roost. Fortunately I've been able to recall how I survived after having my lower impacted wisdom tooth strip-mined ten years ago, and while he's now heartily sick of hummus my poor spouse at least hasn't gone hungry.

Banana milkshakes are just the best thing ever. I first saw them made on a Food Network show about an ice cream parlor or maybe a diner somewhere in the midwest. Ultra simple recipe: take 1 ripe banana, a couple spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream, some malted milk powder, fill the glass with milk, blend! Of course I've had to build on that. Spouse loves Fox's U-Bet chocolate syrup added. If we have chocolate ice cream, that subs for the vanilla. My Elvis version adds peanut butter -- either Skippy Creamy or PB & Co Dark Chocolate Dreams -- and that's practically a complete meal with all that healthy peanut protein. (Malted powder and peanut butter however are not happily compatible, to my taste buds.) This morning's version used up what was left of a pint of Haagen Dazs Triple Chocolate...mmmmmm.

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